Philly Socialists Shirt Design

Artwork for the Philly Socialists T-shirts that are sold to raise funds for grassroots community projects. 

About Philly Socialists:

"We are dedicated to building the base for socialist politics by organizing the unorganized. That means creating projects that serve the people and fight the power: The Cesar Andreu Iglesias Community Garden, free English classes, our newspaper—just to name a few. These were built not by a few wealthy donors, but through the collective efforts and financial contributions of our members." 

Occupy ICE Poster

Artwork created for the 2018 movement to occupy the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Headquarters in Philadelphia.

Community Garden Window Sign

Design for the United Community del Jardin Iglesias: a land struggle organization based around the Cesar Iglesias Community Garden. This sign was printed out and distributed to community members to display in their windows as support.

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